Definition of Abstract Noun
Abstract noun can be defined as “a noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object.”
“An abstract noun refers to states, events, concepts, feelings, qualities, etc., that have no physical existence.”
Abstract noun is the noun which exists in our mind only and we cannot recognize them through our senses such as relationships, qualities, ideas, theories, freedom, idea, happiness, music, conditions, states of being, fields of inquiry, like, etc.
Abstract noun is a noun which names things that are not concrete (means do not have physical existence) and cannot be detected through sense organs. We cannot taste, see, smell, hear it, or touch them. Abstract nouns can be countable (such as a joke, an hour, a noise, a meeting, a quantity) and uncountable (such as fear, courage, news, happiness, training, etc).
Abstract nouns can be experienced in our every day life in various situations such as love, anger, fear, joy, excitement (including other emotions), courage, cowardice, bravery (including other states), desire, uncertainty, creativity (including other innate feelings), etc.
How to Use It in the Sentence
Here are some sentences having abstract noun which help you to understand the use of abstract noun in the sentence:
- It is not true that a judge always give right justice.
- India got freedom from British rule in 1947.
- Every year on 15th of August, a bravery award is given to Indian people by the prime minister.
- Love is an uncontrollable desire.
- My determination is to get higher education.
- Freedom fighters have sacrificed their lives during Independence of India.
- Weekends are the source of great joy for children.
- Greenery in the environment is natural beauty.
Categorized Examples
We have provided below various examples of common abstract nouns under different categories such as:
Common abstract nouns showing emotions or feelings: adoration, amazement, apprehension, clarity, anger, anxiety, delight, disbelief, excitement, fascination, despair, disappointment, friendship, grief, hate, happiness, helpfulness, misery, love, joy, pleasure, helplessness, infatuation, pain, power, relaxation, pride, satisfaction, romance, sorrow, silliness, relief, sadness, tiredness, weariness, worry, strength, surprise, peace, sympathy, wariness, uncertainty, etc.
Common abstract nouns showing human qualities and characteristics: beauty, evil, ego, envy, elegance, enthusiasm, bravery, calm, coldness, courage, charity, curiosity, dedication, brilliance, brutality, compassion, determination, contentment, confidence, fear, honesty, generosity, honor, goodness, graciousness, hatred, humor, humility, hope, insanity, jealousy, loyalty, kindness, maturity, integrity, intelligence, patience, perseverance, tolerance, sophistication, sensitivity, sympathy, stupidity, sanity, self-control, success, deceit, skill, beauty, pain, brilliance, misery, talent, weakness, warmth, wisdom, trust, wit, etc.
Common abstract nouns showing movements or events: progress, trouble, education, friendship, leisure, hospitality, relaxation, etc.
Other examples of common abstract nouns: communication, ability, awe, chaos, adventure, artistry, belief, comfort, consideration, death, defeat, crime, culture, customer service, deceit, democracy, dexterity, dreams, disquiet, disturbance, dictatorship, energy, failure, faithfulness, faithlessness, enhancement, faith, frailty, fragility, forgiveness, favoritism, hearsay, grace, freedom, gossip, hurt, homelessness, idea, impression, imagination, idiosyncrasy, improvement, knowledge, information, inflation, justice, laughter, luxury, law, liberty, luck, loss, motivation, life, movement, memory, mercy, need, parenthood, patriotism, opportunism, opinion, omen, opportunity, peace, principle, poverty, peculiarity, reality, redemption, refreshment, slavery, shock, riches, service, rumor, skill, sleep, sparkle, speculation, speed, thought, submission, strictness, success, unemployment, thrill, truth, unreality, wealth, victory, etc.
How to Derive Abstract Noun
Here you can learn about how to get abstract nouns from nouns, verbs or adjectives by adding some suffix at the end of words. Words given in the bracket are abstract nouns.
Derive abstract noun from noun: brother (brotherhood), mother (motherhood), child (childhood), member (membership), man (manhood), friend (friendship), king (kingship), scholar (scholarship), neighbor (neighborhood), leader (leadership), etc.
Derive abstract noun from adjective: able (ability), kind (kindness), wide (width), angry (anger), unique (uniqueness), long (length), great (greatness), beautiful (beauty), brave (bravery), different (difference), strong (strength), thirsty (thirst), new (newness), honest (honesty), envious (envy), weak (weakness), happy (happiness), hungry (hunger), wise (wisdom), difficult (difficulty), etc.
Derive abstract noun from verb: act (action), speak (speech), know (knowledge), die (death), appear (appearance), behave (behavior), lose (loss), please (pleasure), think (thought), believe (belief), invite (invitation), marry (marriage), do (deed), permit (permission), employ (employment), refuse (refusal), free (freedom), sell (sale), grow (growth), judge (judgement), treat (treatment), laugh (laughter), etc.
1 )Abstract Nouns Exercises for You
We have provided below some abstract noun exercises in order to help you to enhance your skill and knowledge about abstract noun. You need to get detail information about abstract noun provided above and check your skill through following exercises. Select correct abstract nouns from following sentences and match with the given answer to be sure:
- Adoration cheers up common people and helps to go ahead.
- Apprehension is not good for health.
- There should be clarity to avoid any misunderstanding.
- Anger makes people stressed and fatigue.
- My mom’s weakness is the reason of anxiety for me.
- It keeps my parents delight when I got first rank in the class test.
- Excitement and interest are very necessary things to complete any work.
- Irregular daily routine brings disappointment to me.
- True friendship is an effective tool to go ahead in positive way.
- I hate bad and lazy people as they never want to work.
- Happiness comes to our heart and soul when we help someone needy.
- I love my parents and grandparents as they care me a lot.
- Helping others is the real joy of life.
- Today, I am feeling very helplessness as no one is there for me.
- Lots of pain make us a real human being.
- Power and money brings lots of responsibilities as well.
- Sleeping at right time gives us complete mind and body relaxation.
- The condition of poor people makes me really sorrow.
- Eating medicines gives me relief from infection.
- I have much weakness which makes me tired and fatigue.
- Do not worry, everything will be fine soon.
- I worship to God daily which gives me strength.
- I will surprise my mom as today is her birthday.
- We should give patients sympathy so that they can get well soon.
- There is some uncertainty in the final exam date.
Answers: 1 – Adoration, 2 – Apprehension, 3 – clarity, 4 – Anger, 5 – anxiety, 6 – delight, 7 – Excitement, 8 – disappointment, 9 – friendship, 10 – hate, 11 – Happiness, 12 – love, 13 – joy, 14 – helplessness, 15 – pain, 16 – Power, 17 – relaxation, 18 – sorrow, 19 – relief, 20 – weakness, 21 – worry, 22 – strength, 23 – surprise, 24 – sympathy, 25 – uncertainty
2) Abstract Nouns Exercises for You
We have provided below some words, you need to make abstract noun using following words:
- Bitter: …..
- Strong: …..
- Wide: …..
- Decent: …..
- Humble: …..
- Long: …..
- Vacant: …..
- Cruel: …..
- Young: …..
- Sweet: …..
- Prudent: …..
- Dark: …..
- Wise: …..
- Good: …..
- Brave: …..
- Vain: …..
- Human: …..
- able: …..
- great: …..
- child: …..
- please: …..
- treat: …..
- brother: …..
- scholar: …..
- leader: …..
- speak: …..
- think: …..
- marry: …..
- laugh: …..
- honest: …..
- Ignorant: …..
- Proud: …..
- Free: …..
- Novel: …..
- Sane: …..
- Just: …..
- Poor: …..
Answer: bitterness, strength, width, decency, humility, length, vacancy, cruelty, youth, sweetness, prudence, darkness, wisdom, goodness, bravery, vanity, humanity, ability, greatness, childhood, pleasure, treatment, brotherhood, scholarship, leadership, speech, thought, marriage, laughter, honesty, ignorance, pride, freedom, novelty, sanity, justice, poverty.
Related Topics:
Proper Noun
Common Noun
Compound Noun
Countable Noun
Uncountable Noun
Collective Noun
Possessive Noun
Concrete Noun
Singular Noun
Plural Noun