Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates throughout the world. But it is celebrated with the same motive that is to honor the mothers in the society and their motherhood. The celebration first began in the United States of America with the efforts of Anna Jarvis.
Short and Long Paragraphs on Mother’s Day
Paragraph 1 – 100 Words
Mother’s Day is an annual global observance to commemorate motherhood and to honor the mothers in the society for the love and care they bestow. The tradition of Mother’s Day was first started in the United States in the early 20th century. In the United States of America, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May as a National Holiday.
People buy gifts for their mothers and do a lot many other things to make them happy. They take their mother for outings, cook for her, sing and dance with her. It is a way of thanking your mother for her tireless effort throughout the year, for your well being and care.
Paragraph 2 – 120 Words
Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the globe to commemorate motherhood and to honor the mothers for their love and affection. It also honors the mothers for their selfless contribution to society and to the family. It is celebrated on different dates throughout the world. America and India celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May.
Mother’s Day celebration is celebrated grandly in some of the western countries, as in the United States, though; in India, it is limited to only a small percentage of the urban population. Many Indian cultures view Mother’s Day celebration as a celebration brought by consumer goods industries, having a commercial objective.
Paragraph 3 – 150 Words
Mother’s Day is an annual celebration observed throughout the globe to honor the contribution of mothers to society. It is celebrated at different dates in several countries all over the globe. It is similar to other celebrations, observed in the honor of family members like Father’s Day, Sibling’s Day or Grandparent’s Day.
Many other ancient festivals have been celebrated in many countries for thousands of years to commemorate Mother Goddesses. However, these observations are completely different from Mother’s Day and shouldn’t be considered as related. The modern Mother’s Day began in the early 20th century in the United States, with the efforts of Anna Jarvis.
Due to the efforts of Jarvis, in 1914, then President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day as a national holiday. With time the celebration has lost its inherent significance and has become more commercialized. Sadly, today it holds more commercial significance than any spiritual meaning.
Paragraph 4 – 200 Words
Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the globe, to honor and commemorate the mothers and their contribution to society and individuals. Mother’s Day is a relatively modern celebration that originated in the 20th century in America. For thousands of years, Greeks have been celebrating a cultural festival to honor Mother Goddess Cybele. But, such traditions are in no way associated with the modern Mother’s Day.
The modern Mother’s Day was first established in the United States, by the efforts of Anna Jarvis. In 1908, Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother at St Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. The campaign of Mother’s Day celebration was initiated by Anna Jarvis when her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis died in 1905. Ann had been an active peace activist during the American Civil War.
She tended wounded soldiers and also formed Mother’s Day Work Clubs, to address the issues of public health. Due to the efforts of Anna Jarvis, Mother’s Day was observed in all the states of the United States in 1911. Finally in 1914, then President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, signed a proclamation designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day and a national holiday.
Paragraph 5 – 250 Words
Mother’s Day is an annual celebration to commemorate motherhood and honor the mothers in the society for their love and care. The tradition of Mother’s Day celebration originated in the United States during the early 20th century at the behest of Anna Jarvis.
There is no specific day for the celebrations and the day is observed on different dates in countries throughout the globe. The main idea behind the celebrations is to celebrate motherhood and commemorate mothers for their enduring love and affection that they bestow onto their children and family members as well as on society.
Trends across the Globe
Many celebrations similar to Mother’s Day are also observed throughout the globe. In the United States, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May while it is celebrated as Mothering Sunday in the United Kingdom and Greece.
Every country has adopted the date for Mother’s Day as per its local culture and beliefs. In Catholic countries, it is celebrated as Virgin Mary Day.
Bolivia celebrates Mother’s Day on 27th May, to commemorate the Battle of La Coronilla, which took place on 27th May 1812. In the battle, women participated gallantly to defend their children.
The Mother’s Day celebration is fast gaining popularity in India; although, its effects are seen only in the urban population. The majority of the Indian population still considers it as a western celebration with a commercial objective.
Many countries like Russia and Ukraine have taken up for celebrating ‘International Women’s Day’ rather than ‘Mother’s Day’. International women’s Day is fast gaining popularity throughout the globe.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
Ans. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, every year.
Ans. Mother’s Day was made possible because of the efforts of Anna Jarvis.
Ans. Catholic Countries celebrate Mother’s Day as Virgin Mary Day.
Ans. Mother’s Day 2021 had the theme of ‘Keep Mothers and Newborns Safe’.