Digital India was launched by Mr. Narender Modi on the 1st of July 2015. The main motive of Digital India was to make India digitally literate. Various programs and seminars were conducted to make India smart and to connect all small villages with high-speed internet.
Short and Long Paragraphs on Digital India
Paragraph 1 – 100 Words
Digital India program was launched in the yar 2015. It was launched to make India technically strong. The main motive of this program was to promote less paperwork. Paper works take a lot of time and pass through many tables. Digitization reduces manpower and makes things easier and also safe.
By digitalization, people can easily be benefited from government services. When the government launches a particular scheme, it takes many days to reach the needy. With the help of Digital India, we can easily benefit the needy, within few steps. Digital India is beneficial in many ways and is contributing to the progress of the nation.
Paragraph 2 – 120 Words
Digital India refers to the digitalization of paperwork, money, and many other things. India is a developing nation and digitalization is one of its key features. It is headed by the ministry of communications and education technology. It was launched on 1st July 2015 and the whole week is celebrated as Digital week.
The Digital India program aims to promote digitalization in India. The government has provided a bank account to every citizen so that people can be directly benefited. The government focused on internet connectivity to every village. The Internet can help people in many ways. It makes people aware of various government schemes. People can easily fill any form, get various documents. Digitalization not only saves the workforce but also money, time, and environment.
Paragraph 3 – 150 Words
Digital India is a term which itself defines India on the wheel of digitalization. There are many pros and cons of digitalization. But the pros are more as a comparison to cons. Digital India aims to make our nation smart and to promote e-Governance.
It takes a lot of time for a single plan to reach a population of 133 Crore. Digitalization is very helpful in this. There are various online platforms made for common people to get benefited easily. Schemes like, UMANG, DigiLocker, Digital Literacy are some of the examples of digitalization.
The government wants to make our office paper-free, to speed up work specially in government sectors. With the help of digitization, they can also maintain transparency. Our government also wants us to deal with cashless transactions. This will reduce the use of paper and in this way, we can also save millions of trees. It is beneficial in many ways, so be a part of digitalization and make your nation smart.
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It’s about 50% of the Indian population depends on agriculture. Agriculture is mainly practiced in rural areas. A nation where half of the population lives in a village becomes necessary to make people digitally smart. In the era of science and technology, digitalization becomes necessary.
The main aim of Digitalization is to connect everyone with high-speed internet. Either it is people from a rural background or others. Things automatically become easy, by the availability of the internet. It was inaugurated by Mr. Narendra Modi. Our Government launched various schemes and digitalization was very necessary to make the plan in action. The main motive of digitalization is:
- To develop some digital platforms like e-Hospital, e-Sign, UMANG, e-Panta, etc. through which we can easily get various government benefits.
- To get people directly benefited from various schemes launched by the government.
- To maintain transparency and reduce corruption.
- To reduce paperwork and make government offices paperless.
- To reduce time and manpower because an offline process takes a lot of time and manpower, either it is the making of a driving license or any other work.
It is BSNL supporting our government in this mission. The Internet is marked as revolutionary in this era. To make our nation smart and technically able digitalization is necessary.
Paragraph 5 – 250 Words
Mr. Narender Modi launched Digital India on 1st July 2015. As we know most of the Indian population is dependent on agriculture and they live in villages. It takes a lot of time to reach a scheme to the needy. Sometimes, many of us do not even know about many schemes. All because we do not have a common platform to know about.
To overcome such problems, it was suggested to have internet connectivity. The availability of the internet can automatically solve many problems. So, the main motive of Digital India was to connect villages with high-speed internet. With the help of the internet, people can easily get any information. They do not have to travel to a certain place for a piece of information. The motive was to digitally literate India.
Some digital platforms like Bharat net, e-education, digital locker, e-shopping, etc. were developed to promote digitalization.
Digital India has helped us in many ways, now farmers can get any information within their place. They can also know the weather forecast and have better farming experience. Now we can book any ticket at home, all we need is good internet connectivity. Many railway zones got paper-free due to digitalization.
There are nine pillars of Digital India – 1. Broadband Highways, 2. Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity, 3. Public Internet Access Programme, 4. e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology, 5. e-Kranti Electronic Delivery of Services, 6. Information for All, 7. Electronics Manufacturing, 8. IT for Jobs, 9. Early Harvest Programmes. All these are the necessary factors on which the scheme depends.
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
Ans. Digital India was started on 1st July 2015.
Ans. It was started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Ans. Digital India aims to spread digital technologies all over India and make use in every department.
Ans. Schemes like, UMANG, DigiLocker, Digital Literacy, etc are part of it.