English Grammar

Simple Sentence

Definition with Examples A Simple Sentence is a sentence that has a Subject, a Verb and a meaningful inference; that is, it should complete a thought, information or an idea. As the name suggests, a Simple Sentence has no dependent clause and has a single independent clause. Given below are some examples of Simple Sentences: …

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Exclamatory Sentence

Definition and Examples Exclamatory Sentences are the sentences those express a strong emotion, which could be anger, joy, sorrow, excitement, surprise etc. The emotional zeal in the sentences is represented by the exclamation mark (!); without it, any exclamatory sentence is only a Declarative Sentence. To represent a greater degree of emotion, exclamatory sentences may …

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Imperative Sentence

Definition/Explanation with Examples Imperative sentences are the sentences we use in our daily life to make request, make a wish, express a desire or give a command or even a warning. Almost every day we come across imperative sentences in our conversations; whether we notice or not. Also, the road sign that instruct us to …

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Interrogative Sentence

Definition/Explanation with Examples An interrogative sentence asks a question; it helps us to seek clarifications, clear confusions and ask an explanation etc. Think about your everyday conversation with family and friends and the questions you put to them; or even the questions they ask you- 1) Where have you been? 2) Why are you not …

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Negative Sentence

Definition with Examples A sentence that negates a particular statement or an affirmative sentence is called a negative sentence. It does not always imply something bad; but, just conveys that a particular, statement or condition is false. There are two common words used to show negation- no and not.  Go through the following example sentences- …

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Declarative Sentence

Definition with Examples A declarative sentence is a sentence we use in our daily life to convey a message or to express what is in our mind. They are just normal sentences, conveying an information and do not express any strong emotion or interrogation. Think about the statements you make in your everyday life like, …

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Definition and Examples A predicate of a sentence is that part of it, which defines what is being done by the Subject; it may consist of verb, complements, modifiers or objects. In other words a Predicate is part of a sentence which consists of everything except the subject. As the subject is a noun or …

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Definition and Examples An Object in a sentence is a noun or pronoun on/for whom the verb/action is being performed. In any sentence the object usually answers the questions- on what? For whom? Where? When? etc, providing more details to the sentence. ‘Objects’ can be classified under three categories- Direct Objects, Indirect Objects and the …

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Definition and Examples A subject in a sentence is a noun, pronoun, person, thing or place who is doing the task or is being asked/instructed/suggested to do it. In other words, a ‘subject’ in a sentence performs the verb. It is therefore very easy to identify the ‘subject’ in a sentence if you have identified …

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Definition and Examples A sentence in English Grammar is a combination of words which conveys a clear message i.e. the listener or reader of the sentence understands the essence of the sentence and the message that it is formed to convey. A sentence is a meaningful combination of Noun, Pronoun, Adverb, Verb, Subject and Object …

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