
Paragraph on National Flag of India

Every country has its own national flag and sometimes it’s a flag represents a nation. Similarly, we also have our national flag, which tells a lot about our nation. It took many years to finalize a flag. Many designs were made and selected but finally it was Pingali Venkayya, who proposed a design and was selected and finalized as our national flag. There were many flags before this tri-colour. Our flag is also known as “Tiranga”.

Short and Long Paragraphs on National Flag of India

Paragraph 1 – 100 Words

Our national flag is known as ‘Tiranga’ and was adopted on 22 July 1947. There were many flags made before but it was Pingali Venkayya, whose design was finalized and adopted as our national flag. A flag is a symbolic representation of any country and our flag tells a lot about our history and culture.

The very first colour saffron symbolizes the sacrifice of our soldiers in the battle of freedom. The green colour symbolizes the rich agricultural background of India. And the white symbolizes the path of truth. The chakra within represents the 24 hours of the day and encourages us to move forward in our lives continuously.

Paragraph 2 – 150 Words

It was 22 July 1947 when we adopted our national flag in a meeting of the Constitutional Assembly. The design was proposed by Pingali Venkayya. Our national flag has three colours, the very first one is saffron, the second one is white and the third one is green. And there is an Ashok Chakra in the white strip. There are 24 spokes in the wheel, representing the 24 hours. The ratio of the length and breadth of the flag is 3:2.

The 24 spokes in our national flag teach us to be active all the time and the remaining colours like saffron show the sacrifice of soldiers in the fight for independence. Whereas green shows the rich agricultural heritage & faith of the nation and white symbolize the path of peace and truth. The Ashok Chakra is taken from the Ashoka Stambh in Sarnath. Our National flag is made up of Khadi. It’s a great pleasure to have our own flag and we are proud to have it.

Paragraph 3 – 200 Words

A national flag is a symbolic representation of culture, tradition, and history of any nation. Similarly, our national flag tells a lot about our history as well as culture. It was 22 July 1947, when we adopted our national flag. The design was proposed by Pingali Venkayya. It contains three strips of various colours and all of them represent various things.  

The journey of the Indian flag is very interesting, as our recent flag is the 6th design. The very first design was proposed by Sister Nivedita, a follower of Swami Vivekananda, in the year 1906. The second was made by Madame Cama in the year 1907.

The third flag was proposed by Dr. Annie Besant in the year 1917. The fourth flag was also made by Pingali Venkayya, but it was different and was made in the year 1921. The fifth flag was hoisted in the year 1921, it was similar to our recent flag but there was a charkha instead of Ashok Chakra. Then we got our recent flag, the tricolour with Ashok Chakra, in the year 1947. We have received this flag after much struggle and sacrifice and we should honour it and maintain its dignity.

Paragraph 4 – 300 Words

It’s our national flag that symbolises the victory on British and makes us feel proud and remember the sacrifice of our ancestors. It is of rectangular shape, with the length and breadth in the ratio of 3:2. It has three colours horizontally. The first is Saffron followed by white and green in the last. It was 22 July 1947, when it came into existence.

Meaning of the Tricolours in our National Flag

  • Various ideologists proposed various perceptions, as some of them say that the saffron colour represents the sacrifice of our ancestors and the green represents the agricultural advantage of our nation.
  • Some recognise the saffron stands for various religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and the green colour represents the Muslims and the white in between stands for Christianity and the harmony among the various religions in the nation.
  • Saffron stands for strength and unity of the nation, white represents the path of truth and green stands for growth.

Some Facts about our National Flag

Our Flag is our pride and to maintain its dignity there have been made certain rules and regulations lets have a look on them–

  • Our national flag should always be made in Khadi fabric, if it is for hoisting.
  • According to a new law in 2002, we can hoist our national flag in our school, college including home & office premise on some special days like Republic and Independence Day.
  • We cannot use flag cloth for any other purpose such as making clothes, use in domestic work etc.
  • A flag should never touch the ground because it is considered abusive and should always be removed before sunset every day.

These were some general facts about our national flag. We should know these facts and respect our national flag. We can show our patriotism by honouring the flag. We should respect our nation, the people around us as well as our flag and this is the definition of a true Indian.

Paragraph 5 – 400 Words

A flag is something that describes a nation. Our national flag has three colours and it tells a lot about our country. It describes the renunciation and rich tradition of our nation. We feel very proud when we see our flag on the summit. This is our ancestor’s gift to us and we should really respect it.

Journey of our National Flag

  • The very first flag was introduced in the year 1906, and was hoisted in the Parsee Bagan Square in Kolkata on August 7. There were three strips horizontally. The first strip was of green colour, second was of yellow colour and the third was of red colour, with some signs on each.
  • The second flag came into existence in the year 1907, but it was hoisted in Paris by Madame Cama and some revolutionaries. The only difference was the sequence of colours was changed. But many Indians did not accept this flag.
  • The third flag was suggested by Dr. Annie Besant in the year 1917. It was hoisted in between Home Rule League movement. The flag was given five red strips and four green strips horizontally, in an alternative way. There were few more symbols representing all religions.
  • Gandhiji wanted to present a new flag in the ‘All India Congress Committee’, so he asked Pingali Venkayya to design a flag with tricolours like white, green, and red horizontally with a charkha in the milled of it.
  • The fifth flag was hoisted in the year 1931 and was known as the Swaraj flag, it had three colours similar to our present flag but there was charkha instead of Ashok Chakra.
  • Then it was our national flag with an Ashok Chakra in the middle, came into existence. And the tricolour became our national flag. It was 22 July 1947 when it was introduced with an Ashok Chakra, which represents Dharma. It was designed by Pingali Venkayya.

What Do the Colours of the Flag Stand for?         

The three different colours of the flag represent various meanings. Different philosophers suggested different meanings like –

  • For some the Saffron stands for the Hinduism, Buddhism and also Jainism. Whereas white stands for Christianity and green for Muslim.
  • Some philosophers say the green represents soil and our connection with soil and agriculture, whereas saffron represents the sacrifice of soldiers and patriotic feeling. The white represents the path the Satya and Ahimsa. The Ashok Chakra represents the Dharma.

It was indeed a glorious moment when our flag was hoisted for the first time. The flag automatically develops a patriotic feeling and a sense of respect for the nation. We hoist our flag every year on Republic Day and Independence Day. In this way, we show our deep respect and honour for our national flag.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the ratio of the length and breadth of the Indian flag?

Ans. The length and breadth of the Indian flag have a ratio of 3:2.

Q.2 What is the name of the symbol presented in the middle of the national flag?

Ans. The symbol in the middle of the national flag implies ‘Ashoka Chakra’.

Q.3 What does the Ashok chakra in the national flag represents?

Ans. Ashok chakra in the national flag represents ‘Dharma’.

Q.4 Who designed the national flag of India?

Ans. The National Flag of India is designed by Pingali Venkayya.

Q.5 What is the name of the National Flag of India?

Ans. The national flag of India is also known as Tricolor in English and Tiranga in hindi.

Kanak Mishra

Kanak, a Post Graduate in English literature is a Content Writer by profession and has good taste for writing. She writes regularly and always seeks for creativity and tries hard to polish her writing skills to make them glitter with the same shimmer that her name owns. She is versatile because she also knows stenography, is Bachelors in Music, and a Dietitian too. All this helps her to write in more informative way.